Privacy Policy

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In implementation of EU regulation 2016/679 and current regulations, we are pleased to provide you with the following information relating to the processing and protection of your personal data.


The data controller is Mimapa Design Farm s.r.l., piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi 40/5 65127 Pescara, VAT number 02325140685, who can also be reached by calling (+39) 085 904 8967 or by e-mail at


The Data Controller processes personal, identifying data (for example, name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail) – hereinafter, “personal data” or even “data”, communicated by you when concluding contracts for services provided by the Data Controller or for the other purposes indicated in Article 3 of this Information.


Personal data may be processed, pursuant to Article 4 of the GDPR, for the following purposes:

Purpose Storage period
Respond to requests for information according to the contact forms on the website Or through the messaging system of the social network pages/profiles. The data is kept for the period necessary to respond to requests and establish contacts with potential customers.

However, the company policy provides for the use of the information in order to guarantee the satisfaction of users/customers and to meet their expectations, following the principle of necessity and minimization of treatments.


The provision of data is optional but necessary for the implementation of the purposes indicated in Article 3. Any refusal by the interested party will make it impossible for the owner to follow up on the establishment of the relationship and its punctual execution.
The legal basis of the processing is the consent of the interested parties pursuant to article 6, par.1, lett. a for the purposes indicated in the art. 3 of this information.


The processing of your personal data will be consistent with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your rights. They will be processed with the aid of IT systems or paper supported by specially authorized and trained personnel. The Data Controller has implemented technical and organizational security measures appropriate to its level of risk and undertakes to keep them updated and functional over time.


The data being processed by the company may be communicated to the following categories of recipients:

  • subjects who can access the data under the provisions of the law, regulation or community legislation, within the limits set by these rules;
  • ubjects (companies Partners/Suppliers) that they perform technical support activities for which data extracted from the customer’s information tools may be communicated for the resolution of specific problems;
  • information service providers for related purposes the existing assistance contract with Mimapa Design Farm s.r.l.

In any case, the data collected will not be disseminated without the written consent of the interested party.


The retention times are indicated in the art. 3 of this Information.


The personal data of the interested party will not be transmitted to third countries or outside the European Union.

In the event that personal data should in the future be transferred to third countries or international organizations other than those indicated, all the provisions of Chapter V (EU Regulation 2016/679) will be respected in order to ensure an adequate level of protection.


Mimapa Design Farm s.r.l. does not use decision-making processes based on automatic processing, any profiling activities of the interested parties for the purposes indicated in the art. 3 of this Information can only take place with the consent of the interested party.


Pursuant to articles 13, paragraph 2, letters b) and d); 14, paragraph 2, letters c) and e), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 GDPR, the interested party is informed that he has the right to:

  1. obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him and their communication in form intelligible;
  2. obtain information on the origin of personal data, on the purposes and methods of treatment, on the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
  3. obtain access, rectification, limitation or integration of data concerning him;
  4. obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
  5. the attestation of the fact that the operations referred to in the preceding points have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
  6. achieve data portability;
  7. oppose, in whole or in part:
    1. for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
    2. to the processing of personal data concerning him, provided for the purposes of commercial information or the sending of advertising material or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

    The above rights may be exercised with a request to the Data Controller, at the addresses indicated in art. 1.

  8. propose a complaint to the Data Protection Guarantor in the capacity of natural person concerned personal data, following the procedures and indications published on the official website of the Authority at

Data: 03 February 2023